Okkervil River Okkervil River - Happy Hearts

Why must happy hearts break so hard, leave you curled up in the back seat of a car, staring up at the windshield? When will broken hearts learn how to heal? This boy I knew was five years older than me. His daddy'd left him when he was three. After we went walking by a stream, he held
me down and made me feel as
bad as he. Why must happy
hearts break so hard, leave you standing in the darkness
of the barn, staring at those
rusty wheels? When will
broken hearts learn how to
heal? And everybody's searching for a place to put
their love. See the people on
the street? They go home and
what do you think they dream of? Unconditional love. Why
did you leave me? Mother, why do you sleep with him? He says he's smothering, then he comes back again, in our house for the weekend. Why must people's breaking hearts pretend? Why must happy hearts break so hard, leave you staring in the mirror at a bar? Leave you talking to yourself, because you can't talk to anybody